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Our founders established a culture based on teamwork, integrity and social responsibility.
These core values remain embedded in every aspect of the firm

Our Culture


IMM Holdings’ key members came together almost 20 years ago during the early period of the Korean private equity industry.

The stability of our team and our continuous drive to become better at our profession is rooted in our organizational culture which can be summarize into the 3Cs.

First is “Confidence”.We seek to have confidence in our team members. We also want our investors have confidence that everyone at IMM Holdings will strive to make prudent investment decisions.

Second is “Communication”.We strongly believe communication helps foster stronger teamwork which can, in turn, lead to the most vetted investment and operational decisions.

Third is “Challenge”.Being based in Korea, where the market is dynamic and active, we continuously challenge ourselves to expand our knowledge, experience, and insights.

We hope our culture will enable IMM Holdings to serve our investors and lead our portfolio companies for many years to come.

Thank you.

I.J. Song, Founder & CEO



  • Stable Profitability

    Achieve differentiated investment returns based on strong investment fundamentals and operational improvements

  • Steadfast Relationship

    Build long-term trust with our investors, portfolio companies and counterparties

  • Social Responsibility

    Seek mutually beneficial results for all interested parties by adhering to socially responsible investment goals

  • Sound Professionalism

    Fulfill fiduciary duty with utmost good faith and pursue excellence throughout the whole process of investment, value creation and exit



IMM’s approach to ESG has roots from our unique investment philosophy “4S” where we seek to achieve differentiated level of returns as well as considering for social impact through our investments

Through an independent ESG committee consisting of both investment, risk management and operation professionals, IMM seeks to fully integrate ESG activities in the full range of both our fund level and portfolio level activities

In 2021, IMM became a signatory of the United Nations’ Principals for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and a supporter for Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)

  • ⅠPurpose
    • Responsible and sustainable investing extends beyond the limits of quantitative and traditional fundamental analysis
    • ESG factors expose potential investment risks, and provide an indication of management excellence as well as leadership
    • Incorporate these factors into our investment and company engagement processes whilst consistently maintaining our fiduciary duty, and actively communicate our progress to develop best practices within the investment community
  • II ESG Integration
    • Always serving our investors’ goals and strictly adhering to our fiduciary duty as a fund manager
    • Consistent integration, implementation and management of ESG factors to both IMM organization as well as all our investments
  • III ESG Implementation
    • Board Participation-Responsible for addressing ESG factors at the board level and encourage senior management at the portfolio companies to establish action plans to incorporate ESG implementation
    • Investment Screening (ESG checklist)-Prohibit investment or involvement in any harmful or exploitative activities
    • Investment Committee’s approval-Consider potential ESG risks that may arise from the target and the Investment Committee’s approval of ESG standards is required before making a final investment decision
    • Monitoring-Regular monitoring of portfolio companies’ ESG activities to ensure awareness of the importance of ESG
  • IV Diversity and Inclusion
    • Committed support equal opportunity for all genders and race
    • Diversity of backgrounds to contribute to providing better insight and value
    • Ensure that every member of the team feels valued, safe, respected and empowered so that all professionals in the IMM team can benefit from a rich diversity of experiences
  • V Goals
    • Continue to develop ESG Guidelines through financial analysis of portfolio companies’ profitability from ESG activities and non-financial analysis that reflect the company's sustainable value
    • Ongoing commitment to be responsible as a firm, and maintain a diverse workforce with an active approach to philanthropy

To learn more about IMM’s ESG Activities and our yearly achievements, please refer to the below link


Established in 2013, IMM Hope Foundation seeks to provide scholarships and welfare support to aid the
development of talented individuals who strive diligently to learn amidst difficult circumstances

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